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ACI hosts June 4 thanksgiving service
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- Category: Events & Celebrations
- Created on Monday, 11 June 2012 00:00
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ACI hosts June 4 thanksgiving service
11 June 2012
The Action Chapel International (ACI) on Sunday hosted the thanksgiving service to round off the 33rd anniversary celebration of the June 4.
The service was attended by the Former President Jerry John Rawlings and his entourage who worshiped together to give thanks to God Almighty for His blessings.
Special prayers were said for the nation, particularly for the peace before, during and after the elections in December.
The service was characterized with singing of praises and dancing had scriptures reading from Psalm 55, I King 19:4 and I Samuel 13:4-8.Delivery a sermon on Discouragement, Archbishop Duncan Williams, Overseer of ACI, said it was suicidal for Christians to feel discouraged of down-hearted no matter the situation they find themselves in saying “the devil takes the joy out the our blessings for us to be discouraged”.
He said it was important to develop the ability to conquer personal fear to enable us overcome every activities of the devil. “We need to be courageous and confidence no matter what we go through to enable victory be our portion in life”, he said.
“At times we go through so many troubles and difficulties and at the end we end up victorious big time”, he added.
Former President Rawlings in his short speech acknowledged the importance of God’s blessings and to be committed in serving the Lord Almighty saying he was committed to ensure that the country continues to enjoy its peace.